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Misha Chertkov

Mohan AT, Livescu D, Chertkov M, (2019) “Wavelet-Powered Neural Networks for Turbulence,”  at the Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences workshop at NeurIPS 2019.

Portwood GD, Mitra PP, Ribeiro MD, Nguyen TM, Nadiga BT, Saenz JA, Chertkov M, Garg A, Anandkumar A, Dengel A, Baraniuk R, Schmidt DP. (2019) “Turbulence forecasting via Neural ODE,” at the Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences workshop at NeurIPS 2019.

King R, Hennigh O, Mohan A and Chertkov M, (2018) “From Deep to Physics-Informed Learning of Turbulence: Diagnostics”, at the Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences workshop at NeurIPS 2018.

Erica Corral

M. Clark, L.S. Walker, V.G. Hadjiev, V. Khabashesku, E.L. Corral, and R. Krishnamoorti, “Fast Sol-gel Processing of Silicon Carbide-Silicon Oxycarbide Nanocomposites, Journal of American Ceramic Society, 94 (12) 4444-4452 (2011). DOI: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2011.04707.x

M.D. Clark, L.S. Walker, V.G. Hadjiev, V. Khabashesku, E.L. Corral, and R. Krishnamoorti, “Polymer Precursor Based Preparation of Carbon Nanotube-Silicon Carbide Nanocomposites,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 95 [1] 328-337 (2012). DOI: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2011.04922.x

E.L. Corral, J. Cesarano III, A. Shyam, E. Lara-Curzio, N. Bell, J. Stuecker, N.Perry, M. DiPrima, Z. Munir, J. Garay, and E.V. Barrera, “Engineered Nanostructures for Multifunctional Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Silicon Nitride Nanocomposites,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 91 [10] 3129-3137 (2008). Featured on Journal Cover of 91 [7] (2008). DOI: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2008.02533.x

E.L. Corral and R. Loehman, “Ultra-High Temperature Ceramic Coatings for Oxidation Protection of Carbon-Carbon Composites,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 91 [5] 1405-1502 (2008). DOI: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2008.02331.x

E.L. Corral and Luke S. Walker, “Improved Ablation Resistance of Carbon-Carbon Composites Using Zirconium Diboride and Boron Carbide,” Journal of the European Ceramic Society 30 [11] 2357-2364 (2010). Special Issue: Aerospace Materials for Extreme Environments. DOI:10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2010.02.025

E.L. Corral, H. Wang, J.E. Garay, Z. Munir, and E.V. Barrera, “Effect of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes on Thermal and Electrical Properties of Silicon Nitride Processed Using Spark Plasma Sintering,” Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 31 [3] 391-400 (2011).   DOI: 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2010.10.020

E.L. Corral, J. Cesarano III, J. Stuecker, and E.V. Barrera, “Processing of Carbon Nanofiber Reinforced Silicon Nitride Composites,” Rapid Prototyping of Materials, pgs. 53-62, TMS Annual Meeting, Columbus, OH, October 7-10, 2002.

R.E. Loehman, E.L. Corral, H.P. Dumm, P. Kotula, P. Gabriel, and R. Tandon, “Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics for Hypersonic Vehicle Applications,” Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, Department of Energy, Washington DC, June 2006, pgs. 1-50, Report number: SAND2006-2925 (Unlimited Release) 2006.

M. Miller-Oana, P. Neff+, M Valdez+, A. Powell+, M. Packard,L.S. Walker, and E.L. Corral, “Oxidation Behavior of Aerospace Materials in High Enthalpy Flows Using an Oxyacetylene Torch Facility,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 98 [4] 1300-1307 (2015).

M. Miller-Oana and E.L. Corral, “High Temperature Isothermal Oxidation of Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics Using Thermal Gravimetric Analysis,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 99 [2] 619-626 (2016).

S. Natividad, V.R. Marotto, L.S. Walker, D. Pham, W. Pinc, and E.L. Corral, “Tape Casting of Thin, Flexible and Homogenous Tapes of Zirconium Diboride,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society 94 (9) 2749-2753 (2011). DOI: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2011.04690.x

D. Pham, J.H. Dycus, J.M. LeBeau, M. Venkateswara, K. Mulidharan, and E.L. Corral, “Processing Low Oxide Impurity ZrB2 Ceramics with High Strength Using Boron Carbide and Spark Plasma Sintering,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 99 [8] 2585-2592 (2016).

 D. Pham, J.H. Dycus, J.M. LeBeau, M. Venkateswara, K. Muralidharan, and E.L. Corral, “Thermochemical Model on the Carbothermal Reduction of Oxides During Spark Plasma Sintering of Zriconium Diboride,” Submitted, Special Section: International Conference on Sintering, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 102 [2] 757-767 (2018). Best Paper Award from The Journal of the American Ceramic Society Published in 2018 Nominated by Reviewers and Associate Editors (October 2019).

W. Pinc, M.Di Prima, L.S. Walker, Z.N. Wing, and E.L. Corral, “Spark Plasma Joining of ZrB2-SiC using Zirconium-Boron Filler Layers,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 94 (11) 3825-3832 (2011). DOI: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2011.04739.x

L.S. Walker, W. Pinc and E.L. Corral, “Rapid Low Temperature Densification of Zirconium Diboride-Silicon Carbide Composites,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 95 [1] 104-203 (2012). DOI: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2011.04873.x

L.S. Walker and E.L. Corral, "Structural Influence on the Thermal Conversion of Self Catalyzed HfB2/ZrB2 Sol-Gel Precursors by Rapid Ultra-Sonication of Oxychloride Hydrates," Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 97 [2] 399-406 (2014). DOI: 10.1111/jace.12694

L.S. Walker and E.L. Corral, "Self-Generating High Temperature Oxidation Resistant Glass-Ceramic Coatings for Oxidation Protection of C-C Composites,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 97 [9] 3004-3011 (2014).

L.S. Walker, V.R. Marotto, M.A. Rafiee, N. Koratkar, and E.L. Corral, “Toughening in Graphene Ceramic Composites,” ACS Nano, 5 (4) 3182-3190 (2011). DOI: 10.1021/nn200319d Featured in Economist Magazine and as an NSF DISCOVERY Highlight.

S.J. Widgeon, E.L. Corral, M. Spilde and R.E. Loehman, “Glass-to-Metal Seal Interfacial Analysis using Electron Probe Microscopy for Reliable Solid Oxide Fuel Cells,” Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 92 [4] 781-786 (2009). DOI: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2008.02902.x

Stuart Craig

Craig SA, Saric WS. (2016) “Crossflow instability in a hypersonic boundary layer.” J. Fluid Mech. 808, 224—244.

Craig SA, Humble RA, Hofferth JW, Saric WS. (2019) “Nonlinear behavior of the Mack mode in a hypersonic boundary layer.” J. Fluid Mech. 872, 74—99.

Humble RA, Craig SA, Vadyak J, McClure PD, Hofferth JW, Saric WS. (2013) “Spatiotemporal structure of a millimetric annular dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator.” Phys. Fluids. 25, 017103

Hermann Fasel

Hader, C. & Fasel, H.F., (2019) "Direct Numerical Simulations of Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Transition for a Flared Cone: Fundamental Breakdown." J. Fluid Mech., 869, 341-384

Hader, C. & Fasel, H. F., (2018) "Towards simulating natural transition in hypersonic boundary layers: A random forcing approach." J. Fluid Mech., vol. 847, R3

Salemi, L., Fasel, H. F., (2018) "Synchronization of second-mode instability waves for high-enthalpy hypersonic boundary layers." J. Fluid Mech., vol. 838, R2.

Roberto Furfaro

Furfaro, R. and Mortari, D., (2020). Least-squares solution of a class of optimal space guidance problems via theory of connections. Acta Astronautica. Volume 168, Pages 92-103.

Gaudet, B., Linares, R. and Furfaro, R., (2020a). Deep Reinforcement Learning for Six Degree-of-Freedom Planetary Landing. Advances in Space Research. In-Press, available on-line.

Gaudet, B., Linares, R. and Furfaro, R., (2020b). Adaptive Guidance and Integrated Navigation with Reinforcement Meta-Learning. Acta Astronautica. Volume 169, Pages 180-190.

Gaudet, B., Furfaro, R. and Linares, R., (2020). Reinforcement learning for angle-only intercept guidance of maneuvering targets. Aerospace Science and Technology, Volume 99, p.105746.

Scorsoglio, A., Furfaro, R., Linares, R. and Gaudet, B., (2020). Image-based Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Lunar Landing. In AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum (p. 1910).

Felipe Guzmán

Felipe Guzmán Cervantes, Lee Kumanchik, Jon Pratt, Jacob Taylor. "High sensitivity optomechanical reference accelerometer over 10 kHz." Applied Physics Letters, 104, 2014.

John Melcher, Julian Stirling, Felipe Guzmán Cervantes, Jon Pratt, and Gordon Shaw. "A self-calibrating optomechanical force sensor with femtonewton resolution." Applied Physics Letters, 105, 2014.

M. Armano, et al. "Sub-Femto-g Free Fall for Space-Based Gravitational Wave Observatories: LISA Pathfinder Results." Phys. Rev. Lett., 116:231101, 2016.

Kyle Hanquist

Hanquist, K. M. and Boyd, I. D., "Plasma Assisted Cooling of Hot Surfaces on Hypersonic Vehicles," Frontiers in Physics, Vol. 7, No. 9, 2019.

Hanquist, K. M., Hara, K., and Boyd, I. D., "Detailed Modeling of Electron Emission for Transpiration Cooling of Hypersonic Vehicles," Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 121, No. 5, 2017.

Hara, K. and Hanquist, K. M., "Test Cases for Grid-Based Direct Kinetic Modeling of Plasma Flows," Plasma Sources Science and Technology, Vol. 27, No. 6, 2018.

Sadogopan A, Huang D, and Hanquist KM. (2020) "Impact of High-Temperature Effects on the Aerothermoelastic Behavior of Composite Skin Panels in Hypersonic Flows," AIAA Paper 2020-0937.

Eyi S, Hanquist KM, and Boyd ID. (2019) "Aerothermodynamic Design Optimization of Hypersonic Vehicles," J. Thermophys. and Heat Trans., Vol. 33, No. 2, 2019.

Eyi S, Hanquist KM, and Boyd ID. (2019) "Shape Optimization of Reentry Vehicles to Minimize Heat Loading," J. Thermophys. and Heat Trans., Vol. 33, No. 3, 2019.

Perry Li

Ramos-Alvarado B, Li P, Liu H, Hernandez-Guerrero A. (2011) “FD study of liquid-cooled heat sinks with microchannel flow field configurations for electronics, fuel cells, and concentrated solar cells.” Appl. Therm. Eng., Vol. 31, Issues 14—15, pp. 2494—2507.

Xu X, Zhang S, Li P. (2014) “Autothermal reforming of n-dodecane and desulfurized Jet-A fuel for producing hydrogen-rich syngas.” Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 39, Issue 34, pp. 19593—19602.

Li P, Molina E, Wang K, Xu X, Dehghani G, Kohli A, Hao Q, Kassaee M, Jeter SM, Teja AS, 2016. “Thermal and Transport Properties of NaCl–KCl–ZnCl2 Eutectic Salts for New Generation High-Temperature Heat-Transfer Fluids.” J. Sol. Energy Eng., Vol. 138, Issue 5, 054501.

Jesse Little

Threadgill, J. A. S., Little, J. C., & Wernz, S. H. (2019). Transitional shock wave boundary layer interactions on a compression ramp at Mach 4. AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum.

Threadgill, J. A. S., & Little, J. (2018). Volumetric Study of a Turbulent Boundary Layer and Swept Impinging Oblique SBLI at Mach 2.3. AIAA Aviation 2018.

Little, J. (2019). Localized thermal perturbations for control of turbulent shear flows. AIAA Journal, 57(2), 655–669. 826

Erdogan Madenci

Mitts, C., Naboulsi, S., Przybyla, C. and Madenci, E., 2020, “Axisymmetric Peridynamic Analysis for Simulation of Crack Deflection in Ceramic Matrix Composites,” 61th AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Orlando, Florida, paper No. AIAA-2020-0964

Samy Missoum

Pidaparthi, B., and Missoum, S., “Stochastic Optimization of Nonlinear Energy Sinks for the Mitigation of Limit Cycle Oscillations”, AIAA Journal, vol. 57, 5, 2019, pp. 2134–2144.

Missoum, S., Dribusch, C., and Beran, P., “Reliability-based Design Optimization of Nonlinear Aeroelasticity Problems”, Journal of Aircraft, vol. 47, 2010, pp. 992 - 998.

Missoum, S., Lacaze, S., Amabili, M., and Alijani, F., “Identification of material properties of composite sandwich panels under geometric uncertainty”, Composite Structures, vol. 179, 2017, pp. 695 - 704.

Krishna Muralidharan

D. Pham, J.H. Dycus, J.M. LeBeau, M. Venkateswara, K. Muralidharan, and E.L. Corral, “Thermochemical Model on the Carbothermal Reduction of Oxides During Spark Plasma Sintering of Zriconium Diboride,” Submitted, Special Section: International Conference on Sintering, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 102 [2] 757-767 (2018). Best Paper Award from The Journal of the American Ceramic Society Published in 2018 Nominated by Reviewers and Associate Editors (October 2019).

Bernard Parent

B Parent, JP Sislian. “Hypersonic Mixing Enhancement by Compression at a High Convective Mach Number”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 42 (4), Pages 787-795, 2004.

B Parent, MN Shneider, SO Macheret. “Detailed Modeling of Plasmas for Computational Aerodynamics”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 54 (3), Pages 898-911, 2016.

G Fusina, JP Sislian, B Parent. “Formation and Stability of Near Chapman-Jouguet Standing Oblique Detonation Waves”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 43 (7), Pages 1591-1604, 2005.

Mohammad Shafae

MS Shafae, RM Dickinson, WH Woodall, JA Camelio. Cumulative Sum Control Charts for Monitoring Weibull-distributed Time Between Events. Qual and Reliab Eng Int 31 (2015) 839-849.

MS Shafae, LJ Wells, GT Purdy. Defending against product-oriented cyber-physical attacks on machining systems. Int J Adv Manuf Tech (2019) 1-21.

LJ Wells, MS Shafae, JA Camelio. Automated Part Inspection Using 3D Point Clouds. 55461 (2013) V002T02A034.

LJ Wells, MS Shafae, JA Camelio. Automated Surface Defect Detection Using High-Density Data. J Manuf Sci Eng 138 (2016) 071001-10.

Anatoli Tumin

V. N. Zhigulev and A. M. Tumin, "Origin of Turbulence," Nauka, NASA TT-20340, 1987 [translated from Russian, Novosibirsk, “Nauka”, 1987]

V. Ya. Neyland and A. M. Tumin, "Aerothermodynamics of Aerospace Vehicles," Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology,1991 [in Russian].

L. D. Edwards and A Tumin, :Model of Distributed Receptivity to Kinetic Fluctuations in High-Speed Boundary Layers," AIAA Journal, Vol. 57, 2019.

Hao Xin

M. Liang, and H. Xin, “Microwave to THz characterization of carbon based nano-materials,” IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 40-51, Jan. 2014.

Y. Sharma, H. Zhang, and H. Xin, “Machine Learning Techniques for Optimizing Design of Double T-Shaped Monopole Antenna,” IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, Jan. 2020.

J. Tak, A. Kantemur, Y. Sharma, and H. Xin, “A 3D Printed W-band Slotted Waveguide Array Antenna Optimized using Machine Learning,” IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., Vol. 17, No. 11, pp. 2008-2012, Oct. 2018.

J. Wu, A. Kodi, S. Kaya, A. Louri, and H. Xin, “Monopoles Loaded with 3-D-Printed Dielectrics for Future Wireless Intra-Chip Communications,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., Sept. 2017.

J. Wu, A. Abdelrahman, M. Liang, X. Yu, and H. Xin, “Monopole Antenna Radiation Pattern Control via 3D-Printed Dielectrics,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., May 2017.

H. Xin, and M. Liang, (invited review article) “3D Printed Microwave and THz Devices using Polymer-Jetting Techniques,” IEEE Proceedings, in press, Oct. 2016.

Olesya Zhupanska

Deierling P. E., Zhupanska O. I. "Computational Modeling of the Effective Properties of Spatially Graded Composites", Int. J. Mech. Sci., 145, 2018, pp. 145-157.

Deierling, P. E., Zhupanska O. I., Pasiliao C. L. "Thermostructural Response of a Spatially Graded Metal-Ceramic Composite Panel Subjected to High-Speed Flight Loads", ASCE J. Aero. Eng., 32(3), 2019, 04019010.

Konduri T., Zhupanska O.I., Deierling P. "Modeling of Thermo-Mechanical Degradation of the Polymer Matrix Composites at High Temperatures", AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, AIAA-2019-0165, San Diego, CA, 2019.